Thursday, April 5, 2018

One Room Challenge - Cottage Kitchen Makeover Week 1

So, the kitchen is one of the worst rooms in our house.  It has been since the day we moved in.  We had big plans to do something about it pretty soon after we moved in but of course things got away from us and almost four years later it's still untouched.  Unless you count the paint swatches on the wall.  And I don't.  So, this spring, for that exhilarating, motivational event known as the One Room Challenge, we will be tackling the kitchen.  Many, many thanks goes to Linda, at Calling It Home, for coming up with this concept that effectively lights a fire under hundreds of bloggers' tails, and to House Beautiful for being the media partner!  And for those that don't know, this is a six week, get 'er done, make it happen, catalyst for home improvement.  One room, made over, in six weeks.  Let's do this.

And the space in question?  I held nothing back, here is the true nitty gritty.

This weekend will be spent demoing out all that is unwanted and next week's post will contain an update and plans for the overhaul.  And if I can find time while surviving Spring Break, I'll be checking out the other participants, both the featured design influencers and the linking participants!


  1. Danielle, it's great to see you participating once more. You have a huge task ahead but I am confident in your abilities to master it. Best of luck! I am out for this round :)

    1. Thanks Delia! Sorry I won't get to see you do a room!
