The hubby has been super busy this past week, and we even enlisted my mom's help as well! Over the weekend the hubs got a knee wall built between the washer and dryer and the space that will house the laundry sink. That, along with a support attached to the opposite wall, will hold the counter top we are putting above the washer and dryer. We got a first coat of paint on the walls and then he got to installing the base cabinets on the pantry side. He also built a base for our laundry sink since I needed it to be open to house the litter box. He built the frame and I traced a template of the decorative cutout I wanted and he faced it out. I think it looks awesome! We were able to coerce my mom into coming and putting a second coat of paint on the walls and I feel like we can now really see how great the space is going to look when we are done!
Next up is finishing any trim work, building and installing the pantry shelves, installing a wall cabinet over the sink with a shelf and rod over the washer and dryer, installing all of the counter tops, installing the sink and faucet, and painting all the cabinets, shelves, etc. The end is in sight! And then we can put our food back in the pantry and take back our dining room!
In between getting the rest of this done I'm going to be checking in on everyone else's progress!